Das internationale Team - The International Team

Sprachen - Languages - Langues - Idiomas

This project is supported by the Initiave for Dark Sky Parks and many others around the world.

You are invited to offer a translation for other languages, please contact haraldba@hotmail.com.


Montsec en la Nit 2011 - Montsec at Night 2011

(Catalan-English version)


Promotional video for a starry night and fight against light pollution.


Geceleyin Montsec 2011 - Montsec at Night 2011

(Turkish-English version)


Promotional video for a starry night and fight against light pollution.


Montsec noću 2011 - Montsec at Night 2011

(Croation-English version)


Promotional video for a starry night and fight against light pollution.


ნცეკი ღამით, 2011 -  "Montsec en la Nit 2011"

(Georgian-English version)


Promotional video for a starry night and fight against light pollution.



Montsec în noapte, 2011 - Montsec at Night 2011

(Romanian-English version)


Apăsați aici pentru a vizualiza pe YouTube versiunea româno-engleză a filmului.

Download the Romanian-English version as wmv-file

Right-Mouse-Click, then "Save target as ..."

(file size approx. 200 MByte)